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Renew MembershipRenewing your MESPA membership ensures you remain part of a dynamic community of school leaders dedicated to professional growth and educational excellence. Members benefit from exclusive access to valuable resources, legal counsel (for active members), and a supportive network that champions best practices in education. Stay connected, stay informed, and continue to make a difference in the lives of your students and staff by renewing your membership today. | Principal Mentorship Program Join our Principal Mentorship Program and unlock a world of support and growth. Through this program, you'll:
Elevate your leadership journey today! | Run for A Seat on the Executive Committee Want to expand your influence? Want to give back to an organization that helped you along the way? Want to help direct MESPA's future? Run for office! All three seats are up for election with terms starting July 1, 2025. Due Sept 15 Due Aug 31 Learn More |
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Professional Learning Communities are an invaluable experience to grow professionally and build a sense of community with colleagues. You form a group, identify a topic, coordinate dates and times. If you’d like MESPA to apply for CEUs for you, the group has to meet for a total of 6 hours throughout the course of the year (for example, 4 times for 1.5 hours each). Then, send Christine a brief outline of what you plan to learn and talk about. When your 6 hours are done, send Christine an attendance sheet. This is a great way to earn 6 CEUs while learning about what you care about and building a community of support.